Alasdair Shaw

My Background

I have been climbing, mountaineering, caving, kayaking and skiing as long as I can remember. Growing up I spent most of my spare time in the hills. Spreading this enjoyment is something I enjoy in its own right!
Landscape archaeology has always been one of my interests. When you spend a long time in the outdoors you start noticing things and wondering how they came to be there.
You can view my online logbook here. Please note I haven't recorded everything I have done, this is just a selection.

Outdoors Qualifications

Mountain Leader (Summer)
Single Pitch Award
Local Cave Leader Level 2

Management Qualifications

City & Guilds Licentiateship in Youth Leadership and Management

Military Qualifications

KGVI Advanced Course
Regimental Adventurous Training Officer
Cadet Range Course Qualification (small bore)
Joint Services Rock Climbing Leader
Joint Services Level 4 Distributed Training Instructor

Running Courses

I am a course director for both the National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme and the National Navigation Award Scheme.
I also run Summer Mountain Proficiency, Basic Rock Climbing and Basic Caving courses.